Happy 2nd Birthday Fair Share and best wishes to Joel Tippens as he prepares to relocate Fair Share, his non profit entity to Cattanooga, Tennessee. I'm very happy that Joel will be in a community where he will be rewarded and sustained financially for his urban agriculture work. But I'm sad to see him go, and I'm sad that more of Daytona Beach was not willing or able to support his project.
Moira and I were there 2 years ago breaking ground to install the first raised beds. It's amazing to me that she doesn't even remember the first time she was at the garden. I love this picture that I found of the 3 of us taking a break in the archive...

Joel has "passed the shovel" on to us the remaining active gardeners. It's up to us to keep up the good work.
The future looks exciting from down here.
With lots of help from the college kids on Saturday, we got the water collection barrels aligned on level ground.
Our overflow pond was set in place.
And barrels were interconnected. Thanks for the design work Scott.