We spent yesterday at the
Ponce Inlet lighthouse for the annual homeschool day.
This 175 feet hand-built lighthouse is the tallest in Florida. It was first lit in 1887 after many difficulties with the construction, including the death of its engineer Orville E. Babcock who drown in the first attempt to transport bricks into the inlet by boat. Two other boats hauling bricks subsequently sunk as well. This historical site is open to the public. It is both a museum and an active lighthouse. Here are some photos we took.
My littlest is not afraid of heights or climbing towers. |
A spectacular view of the ocean and Ponce inlet. |
The preserved buildings contain artifacts that were used in early life at the lighthouse.
This little soap cage was used for sudsing up water for washing laundry and dishes. |
The glass bottles and metal tools and containers really give a good idea about kitchens before the invention of plastics.
Here is a collection of old time medicines, one of which was Choroform liniment! Eek!
This was the medicine chest provided to the Light House keepers by the Coast Guard which contained the medicines listed above.
There were also herbal medicines on site.
Popular herbal medicines from the 1800's. Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Atwoods Jaundice Bitters. |
One building contains a stunning collection of Fresnel lenses from other lighthouses.
Below is my favorite lens from an Australian lighthouse. It reminds me of a big insect.
Hope you liked the photos. What fun lighthouses have you visited?