Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Four New Organic Cotton Flaxseed Pillows and Pillow Giveaway

We had a rush on our Organic cotton Flaxseed neck pillows for Mother's Day. Some of our fabrics sold out, so we have added four new types and will be adding one or two more soon. The first two are sheep (top) and penguin (below) Organic cotton flannels. These are single layer pillows. I usually don't go for cartoon animals, but I found these irresistible. I thought the sheep would be fun for people who like to take their pillows to bed or who have trouble sleeping. We are partial to penguins, they being the Linux operating system mascot, so this fabric was a must have also.

The two pillows below are also new, they are part of our pillow line which has removable washable Organic cotton covers

The floral print is also available with pink instead of turquoise flowers.

US residents, 18 and up, you can enter to win a Lavender-Rose scented sheep pillow with the rafflecopter form below. Raffle ends May 31, 2016

Monday, May 16, 2016

Zerowaste Gardening Tip for Salvaging Bitter Lettuce

If you have planted your lettuce to close together, if the lettuce has dried out a lot during the growing season, or if the weather is hot, you could easily end up with dreadfully bitter lettuce. It may look beautiful and lush like mine in the above photo, but it tastes just terrible. I couldn't stand the thought of composting the lettuce, so I went searching for a recipe. Even better than a recipe for bitter lettuce, I received a tip from @tryplasticfree on twitter.  They suggested that I cut up the lettuce and soak it in cold water for 10 minutes. Luckily, I forgot and left the lettuce in the water for around 30 minutes. After 30 minutes the lettuce tasted much better, but a day or two later I tried with for only 10 minutes and it was still really very bitter. 

Feel free to leave a comment if you have any lettuce growing tips or lettuce recipes.