April 9th 2011 at
MaggiesHerbFarm.com Saturday 10-2 Herbal Medicine Making: Tinctures, and Syrups
Location: Maggies Herb Farm 11400 County Road 13, St. Augustine, FL call to register 904.829.0722 Learn the basic methods for herbal home medicine making for your family. This is a hands on class in which you gather herbs from the farm for making tinctures and a Thyme cough syrup. We will focus on methods for making preparations, properties, of herbs used during the class including Motherwort, Yarrow, Skullcap, Holy Basil and more. Fee $35. bring a sack lunch. A hands on workshop.
April 23rd, 2011 Bath & Body Easter Basket Workshop at
Hobby Lobby in Daytona Beach 1-4 pm $20 In this workshop we will make a bath & body Easter Basket. You will make:
~ Aromatherapy Bath Salts
~ a Chocolate Easter Egg Lotion Bar made with Shea Butter and Cocoa Butter
~ 1 Chocolate lips balm
~ 1 Aromatherapy lip balm
Register online or call 310-919-0220
May 14th 2011 Soap Making For Sensitive and Problem Skin Types Saturday time 10:00
AM-2:00 PM Location:
Maggies Herb Farm 11400 County Road 13, St. Augustine, FL call to
register 904.829.0722 Learn to make soap from scratch using the cold process method and the specialized hot process method for sea salt spa soaps. We focus on hypoallergenic formulations for those with sensitive skin and those well loved by persons with multiple problems, including acne. Specialty herbal additives for problem skin types in formulations will be discussed. Bring lunch, safety glasses and gloves, and a small cardboard box. Fee $35

May 21st 2011 Milled Soap Making for Sensitive and Problem Skin Types in Daytona Beach
at the
Hobby Lobby 1-4:30 $30In this class we will be using the gentlest type of natural soap base: Castile soap which is made with 100% olive oil in the oil phase. You will take home two types of soap for sensitive and problem skin types as well as recipes for natural and gentle milled soaps. You will also learn about various natural additives for natural soap making including essential oils, clays, herbal powders and more. The soaps that we create in class will be chosen from a range of natural ingredients and will be determined by consensus among attendees.
Register Online or call 310 919 0220