This Sunday is a great day for herb lovers in Central Florida. I have two events to share with you whether you are in the Daytona Beach or St. Augustine area.
The first is my Salves and Balm making class at
Maggie's Herb farm in St. Augustine. From 10-2 I will be teaching how to make a
black drawing salve like the one pictured below from my
Etsy shop. I have called the farm to confirm also that their lovely pink rose bush is in full bloom and ready for us to make a beautiful salve with. I will also be demonstrating how I make lip balms with essential oils of Sweet orange and Peppermint. There are still 6 spots available in this class so round up your friends if you would like to get in on this herbal adventure. The fee is $35 and you can call the farm to register. 904 829 0722.

The other great event that is happening on Sunday is the "A rose by any other name" fundraiser for the new Rose and Herb Garden in down town Daytona Beach. The event will be held at the corner of Orange Ave and Beach Street. My friend Ciana from Green Halloween Daytona is organzing this event. She and I had too much fun organizing and preparing for Green Halloween that we got our wires crossed and we doubled booked me for a workshop at the garden on Sunday as well. Hallogreen was great fun by the way. Here is Moira with Rae Rae, the enviropal.

Back to the Rose Garden: you are all extra lucky, because of the mix up I recruited Ralph from
Deep Woods Herbal Research Inc in Daytona to come out in my place and give an herbal talk for my slot at 2 pm about herbs for cold & flu season. Ralph is a very knowlegable herbalist who learned from his father who was an herbalist as well. The fee for this workshop is only $5, it's a great deal. Or come earlier at 12 and for $5 you can also learn about quality Rose Gardening with expert Dana Venrick.