We had a great time at the Fair Share Garden in Daytona over the weekend. If you were not able to make it on Saturday I hope that you will be able to come out for one our next events. I will be out of town, but the next Garden event will be May 9th on World Fair Trade Day.
We started out with a great workshop on container gardening by Master Gardener Myrna Moore. I learned a few tricks from Myrna. When arranging blooming annuals in containers, plant them densely to encourage blooming, and don't forget to dead-head.

If you are making Earth boxes, you can add charcoal from fish tank suppliers to the water reserviour to prevent fungal growth. Also if you are making an earth box, it is better not to include regular Florida sandy garden soil so as to prevent nematode infestation. To determine if you have a root bound plant in a pot, water it and see if the water comes straight out the bottom. Avoid letting potted trees become root bound. If the roots start to spiral around the pot, that pattern of root growth will be with it for the life of the tree. This can lead to strangulation and death of the adult trees.

Getting some work done in the garden! Volunteers planting Loquat Trees, edible beauty berry bushes and Chicksaw plums.

Our tortoise stuck his head out to say hello on and off throughout the day.

We had a big group of kids at this event. Here they are with Caina from Green Halloween learning about Earth Mother and Celebrating Green.

Arrow and Moira are painting pots for their tomato starts.

The vendor tents. Found and Fused Glass jewelry by Michelle Davidson.
Pottery by Mehg

The Aquarian Bath table.

We finished up the event with a workshop on Sundials by Jason. Here he is getting ready for the presentation.

The pictures turned out great. Looks like everyone had a good time.
Great idea and great tips~ thanks!
That was a really fun Earth Day Celebration! I learned a whole lot from Master Gardner Myrna Moore, she was fantastic! Ciana had a wonderful Mother Earth Story time to tell..the children, as well as presenting a recycled craft project awareness....I helped kids paint pots afterwards they planted seeds....Jason presented a program on astrology sundials... making them in paper..Lots of actions in between planting new trees, swinging on tire swing..and shopping at the Artisan Booths...Soaps Balms,,,.Pottery,,,,.Wine Ring Markers,,,,.and Beautiful one of a kind assemblage Jewelry
That looks like a fabulous day! What fun herbalness abounds on your blog (I discovered after posting a vaguely herbal entry myself today).
Thanks for visiting.
Thanks for the comments! :)
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