Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Plastic Free July 2017 Bath Set Giveaway Contest

Have you signed up for the Plastic Free July challenge yet? It's all about refusing single use plastic. You can make it simple by refusing straws, plastic cups, and plastic bags. You can make it more challenging by refusing all single use plastic. Sign up for one day, or one week, or the rest of the month. It is okay if you didn't sign up at the very beginning of July. Aquarian Bath would like to make it easier for you to go plastic-free not only in July, but also year round. Therefore we are offering a coupon code this month and also sponsoring this giveaway, for one winner. You can use the coupon code "PFJ2017" at for 10% off through the end of the month. 

This plastic free bath set by Aquarian Bath includes the following items: 
Black Licorice Tooth Powder (paste alternative)
Lemon Vanilla Shampoo Bar  (vegan, palm oil free, works well with most hard water)
Lavender Rose Geranium Soap (vegan, palm oil free)
Zero Waste Soap Saver (Organic cotton and hemp)

The more you promote Plastic Free July by tweeting or blogging, the more entries you can earn to win this price. Enter to win this plastic free bath set using the rafflecopter widget embedded below. This giveaway is open to those 18 and up; see widget for additional terms. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Seaside Herb Society Fair Ormond Beach March 25, 2017

The Annual Seaside Herb Society Fair is this weekend, 
Saturday March 25th, 2017. 

The Fair is from 9:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the usual location at the Bailey Riverbridge in Ormond Beach (1 N Beach St). In other words, the location is the North West Corner of the Granada Bridge (on the mainland side). Shop early for the best selection of potted herbs and other herbal products.

We are packing the following items for the fair. If there is something not on the list that you need from Aquarian Bath, please email me or leave a comment to let me know. 

Olive Oil Soap - Unscented
Neem Oil Soap
Zeolite Detox Soap with Charcoal and Bentonite - unscented
Lavender Oatmeal Soap
Tea Tree Hand Soap
Gardener's Soap
Lemongrass Soap
Unscented Salt Soap
Lavender Spearmint Salt Soap
Vanilla Chai Soap
Patchouli Soaps - Small Quantity Low Stock
Carrot Top Shampoo Bars
Aloe Shampoo Bars with Lavender Rosemary Mint
Henna Shampoo Bars
Lime Eucalyptus Shampoo Bars
Lavender Jojoba Hair Serum
Spearmint 2 oz Deodorants
 Tea Tree 2 oz Deodorants
Zi Cao Salve
Dragon Balm
Black Drawing Salve
Amber Perfume
Lamiaciae Perfume
Jasmine Rose Perfume
Lavender Orange Lip Balm
Lavender Rose Lip Balm

Thank you for shopping local!