
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Flourless Carrot Cake Recipe: Made WIth Juiced Carrot Pulp

Do you like juicing carrots? Have you ever wondered if there was something you could do with the leftover carrot pulp to keep it zero waste? I have a good solution for you, a tasty flourless carrot cake. Our carrot shampoo bars are made with freshly juiced Organic carrots. I end up with a lot of carrot pulp from making our Carrot Shampoo bars and freeze the pulp for baking with later.

Flourless Carrot Cake by Aquarian Bath

2 cups cooked garbonzo beans
3 cups carrot pulp
5 eggs (try "flax egg" to make it vegan)
1 T molasses
3/4 c sugar
1/4 cup Organic Extra Virgin Olive oil
2/3 t pink salt
2 t Organic ginger powder
4 t Organic cinnamon powder
2 t baking soda
1 t Organic Stevia powder (green)

First mix the garbanzo beans in a food processor with olive oil until smooth.  Mix together with carrot pulp, eggs, sugar and molasses followed by the additional ingredients.  Bake in an oiled pan at 350 degrees F until the top becomes firm.  Test the inside of the cake with a tooth pick  or knife before pulling out of the oven. 

You can find Organic spice ingredients for this recipe at Mountain Rose Herbs

Carrot Shampoo bar with Lemon, Bay Rum and Cedarwood essential oils.

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