One goal for this gardening season was a bean tee pee. My husband and friends and I built this from PVC and netting that was lying around the Bonner Center community garden. I usually grow bush beans, so this was a first. Many different types of pole beans were planted. The first (I think) were Kentucky Wonder pole beans, most of which froze. I later planted Violetta pole beans and a few other pole beans from a local Daytona gardener and artist Daniel Fisher. I squeezed in one cucumber plant also.
This is what I wanted to see, kids shaded from the hot Florida sun picking beans. Inside the tee-pee there is also Thyme and Mint. The mint looks so healthy, you can tell it has been getting a lot of water.
It's a super harvest so far and no pests to be found. I'm sure there was a lot of watering help from friends at the community garden. My bush beans at home don't look half as good! There were also 2 cucumbers hiding in there too that we took home. Moira who has always refused store bought cucumbers, was happy to taste a fresh cuke.