
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Winter Sowing Time

Are you excited to start your Spring garden? Are you ready to start now? You can get started early with Winter Sowing Outside. By building mini green houses out of used plastic containers, you don't have to give up any extra space from your home or apartment. Winter Sowing is a very easy and fun. You can use gallon milk jugs; just cut the jug in half horizontally. Poke a few holes at the bottom of the jug for drainage. Add potting soil, your seeds, water, and cover the bottom securely with the upper part of the jug. Poke a few small holes in the top of jug for water and air flow. Your mini green house is ready to go outside in a sunny place. Check out Pinterest for winter sowing container ideas and for more details on Winter sowing methods and seed selection.

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