
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Does your Soap Contain "Sustainable" Palm Oil?

Caters News Agency: Rescued Baby Orangutan 
Does your soap contain "sustainable palm oil?"  Even though I make soap I still like to try other handmade soaps a couple times a year.  It's always a big disappointment to me when I see an essential oil soap that I would love to try, but find 'sustainable palm oil' in the ingredients.  None of my soaps or body products contain palm oil or 'sustainable palm oil,' because I believe that label is pure greenwashing.  The 'sustainable' palm oil rating is something that is industry enforced by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), which makes it highly suspect.  UK Daily Mail Online reported yesterday on 7 endangered Sumantra Orangutans whose forest homes were destroyed by the bulldozers being used to make way for more Palm Oil production.  The company responsible was PT. Sisirau, a member of the RSPO.  Read the full story here.

If you are looking for palm free soaps, I hope you will check out Aquarian Bath soaps and shampoo bars.  I recently received this feedback from a palm oil free customer on Etsy after she tried my Lavender Rose Geranium Soap:

I've recently switched to palm-free soaps these last couple of months and have spent probably a couple of hundred dollars trying different brands. I've found that some have not much lather, too much of a grape seed oil feel and/or not a strong enough smell for me...Your soap has the perfect blend of ingredients for a wonderful lather and skin softness. My skin has never felt so soft and balanced!... I LOVE your soap!


  1. I agree with you and also made the decision to not use any palm oil. As you seem to know a lot about these subjects, would you suggest any other ingredients that we should look out for? I prefer to be and work in harmony with nature. For now, have chosen not to use Sandalwood as well... Your products look lovely. xo Jen

  2. Thanks for the comment Jennifer. Other oils that I avoid are non Organic Soy, Safflower, Corn, and Canola because I don't want to support GMO agriculture practices.

  3. I had no idea. Thank you for posting this. I'm going to go look what is in my soaps now!
