
Monday, September 27, 2010

There is no such thing as a bad mom.....

"There is no such thing as a bad mom." This is something that my friend and a mother of five boys told me after my baby was born a few months ago. It's something that I find myself contemplating on on a bad day or when I read someone ridiculing or judging various parenting choices. It is starting to become chiche to say so, but there is really no one right way to be a mom. I envy the free time of those who are able to spend time arguing otherwise. Here is a collection that I put together for many different types of moms: home birthing, hospital birthing, breast and bottle feeding, moms who want to teach their baby Spanish and mom's who have experienced loss or trauma. This treasury even features babies with and with out pacifiers! I really love the baby sign language shirt and the toy baby letters. Baby signing and early reading preparation is something that I didn't do with my first baby, but I'm trying with my new baby. My herbal Zi Cao "purple herb" Diaper rash salve is also included. Hope you enjoy it......

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