
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Paper Mache Bowl Progress

We are really getting the paper mache bowls piled up now at the Lions Club where we are preparing for Fair Share's Empty Bowl fundraiser. I was so happy when I cleaned Moira's room and found my old mythology coloring book that she had hijacked and over colored. What a perfect use for it! Cyclops and Medusa paper mache bowls are shown above. Below is my "Grow Your Own" bowl that I made with left over flyers from our last event. It looks really cool on the outside. I kind of wish I would have put the grow your own pages on the inside. I decided what I will do with it is paint the interior with "Fair Share Feeds My Family."

It has been great to have some time to just sit and make things. Here is Bernadette taking a turn with Tessa. Bernadette is my 5 star, #1, A+++ Nanny super extra. Bernadette helped me while I was showing at the Peabody last month and will help me next month when I start teaching again at the Herb Farm in Saint Augustine. That reminds me! I have room to spare in my Herbs for Cold and Flu Season Class on October 16th at Maggies Herb Farm. This is easy to remember, because it is the same day as the Fair Share Empty Bowls Fundraiser. I'll talk to Joel about the time. Hopefully we can start the dinner around 6 pm so I can make it to both! More details to follow!

Daddy has been helping out with Tessa too and has started providing entertainment at the club during paper mache. Here he is queuing up some MC Hawking or Symphony of Science. See everyone can participate at Fair Share! (Daddy just doesn't do paper mache after that bad incident with his fraternity's prize-winning 40-foot flaming paper mache Dragon).

Come out and join us again this Thursday for more Paper Mache Bowl making if you can. I'm going to break out the paint.

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