
Monday, January 18, 2010

New Chickens!

After struggling with two Black Star chickens for the last number of months, Moira and I decided we needed to trade them for less adventurous hens. The Black stars, even with their wings clipped managed to jump over our fences and roam. They were consistently laying eggs in the neighbors yard, and last week other neighborhood kids were coming in to our front yard to abuse them. When it was finally time to pack them up to take them to the farm, Moira was very sad to say goodbye to Rose and Helen, but her mood was quite improved when we got to Angels Rest Farm in Ormond beach where she had her chance to choose new birds.

We traded the two laying Black Star hens for four 3-4 month old hens; two for us and two for Moira to sell. Moira choose for herself a Buff Orpington and a Black Australorp. We are hoping to have better luck with these two birds. We already have one Buff Orpington, and she would never dream of hopping a fence. I'm told that Black Australorps are quite gentle as well. The other two that were chosen where a Rhode Island Red and a second Black Australorp. Moira sold those birds yesterday for eight dollars.

If you are looking for chickens or fresh eggs and you live in the Daytona or Ormond Beach area I recommend Angel's Rest Farm. The farm is run by AJ and Peggy who are very nice. Eggs are $2.50 a dozen, and she has many birds to choose from as well as pigs, and goats. You can email them for information at

Thanks to my friend Patsy Shaw for the great pictures and for driving us out there and helping me carry the birds back and forth.

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  1. moira is just adorable! she's so intent ... looking at the chickens :) and she's lucky too that mommy choose to live natural ... many urban kids have never seen a live chicken. they know chicken only packed and on the supermarket shelves. my nephew and niece had to go to the zoo to see a chicken ... that's really sad.

  2. I had 6 rhode Island reds many years ago and supplied the neighbors with eggs. I am a bird "weenie" though.....could never touch them.

  3. I love the picture or Moria holding the chicken...someone should paint it.

  4. Thanks Luthien!

    Quirky that's a crack up. I feel like I've become a crazy bird lady late in life. I knew I never had it in my to become a crazy cat lady.

    Della Rae.. Great idea. That pic has an old fashioned feel to it. I be my mom could paint it.

  5. What a sweet post! Moira is just adorable! And lucky you! I would love to have chickens but can't where I live. I do have my Sandhill Cranes though.....Birds are so much fun to have around! :)

  6. Thanks Kristen. I just started following your beautiful blog. :)

  7. Those chickens are so dang cute, sticking their heads out ... I love them. I really want some guineas, though — they way they look like flattened beach balls when they sit down, and the noise they make — love them. ;D
