
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Vibrant Photography of Anissa Designs

I met a great photographer Friday night on Beach Street at the First Friday Festival in Daytona Beach. Anissa Manzo is quite the out and about traveling photographer, with photos from France, Hawiaii, Thailand and more. She had a lovely display of art photography and jewelry pendants from her travels, which she also sells on Etsy.

She resides part of the year in Palm Coast as well as Savannah, Georgia where she has studied at the Savannah College of Art and Design. Anissa's photography style is bold and vibrant. She has a knack for capturing the beauty in everyday scenes and objects. You can find Anissa's work on her excellent photography blog.

In addition to photography Anissa is also interested in singing, chanting, drums, soccer, meditation, bikram yoga, saving bees and other forlorn insects. coffee, the beach, the mountains.

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