
Thursday, November 19, 2009

December Blog Party! Call for Submissions Herbal Aesthetics: Using Herbs for Beautification

Hello friends! This is a call for herb lovers to contribute to the December Herb Blog party that I will be hosting here at Aquarian Bath on the topic of Herbal Aesthetics. This can be in the area of arts, crafts, dying and painting with herbs, natural beauty care such as how to use henna (pictured to the left), holiday decorating with herbs, etc. Last month's blog party was on coffee, stimulants and morning ritual beverages.

Here is how you can participate:
Write a post on your blog specific to this topic. In your blog post link to Send a link to your blog post (and a picture if you wish) to me by December 1st at I will link to all the submissions with a new blog post December 2nd.

Please feel welcome to share this blog party invitation with others.

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  1. AnonymousMay 24, 2010

    Going to start writing a post now

    - K2Herbal Incense

  2. AnonymousJuly 15, 2010

    Too bad I could not assist, december is for me like been on honeymoon, I work 11 months full and december is my free month and of course it is time that I will spend with my girl. I always buy viagra and the rest there is no need to get into details.
