
Monday, September 7, 2009

Eat in for Slow Food

Moira and I just got home from an Eat in demonstration at the Fair Share Garden. We gathered to promote healthy food for children's school lunches. We enjoyed some lovely blue berry whole wheat pancakes, pumpkin muffins, fresh vegetables, herbal tea, yogurts and more. I learned today that all of the Florida schools are contracted with a distributor who delivers California produce. Fair Share would like for kids to have the opportunity to grow food in school gardens. Slow Food USA is asking congress to increase the budget for school lunches so that schools can afford healthy foods for kids instead of cheap junk food like tater tots. If you agree please add your name to the petition.

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1 comment:

  1. that's great! children SHOULD be fed better! i remember watching jamie oliver doing the same for english schools. he actually did a program on his journey to revamp school food... of course there were lots of obstacles but it's good that this is being made aware of now. moira is a doll!! she's really sweet :))
