
Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Fair Share Garden Progress Report

I am relaxing after a busy morning at the Fair Share garden. We accomplished a lot today. The most exciting part for me was planting two of my Neem trees that have out grown their pots. They were about 4 or 5 feet tall. When I first got them they were tiny in a flat rate priority box. I was inspired to plant them in the ground after a friend told me that his Neem tree on Daytona Beachside grew so huge than he had to cut it all the way back so that it would not over shade his other plants. I believe he said that the trunk was about six inches across. I had been under the impression that Neem was too sensitive to withstand Central Florida winters. I'm very happy to know that it can go directly into the ground and be left uncovered during the winter.

Joel, Jason, and Moira did a great job planting.

Here is one of the Neem trees, planted, watered and in it's new home in the Fair Share Herb Spiral. Neem is an amazing medicinal tree from India which has a number of uses. I use neem oil, primarily in salves and in my Neem Oil Shampoo Bar that I formulated for people with dandruff and other scalp problems.

In addition to planting the Neem trees Jason also added the dates to the Sundial.

This morning the videographer from Project Hope also dropped in to finish the B-footage for the final shoot at the garden. Project Hope is producing a half-hour documentary on how to plant a vegetable garden. This film will be distributed freely to promoting backyard gardens as a way to stretch food budgets during hard times. Moira and I both had a few minutes on camera. You may only see my hands picking pumpkins or beans, but Moira had a very important role demonstrating to kids how to eat yard long beans fresh out of the garden.

We also had a chance to make plans for the upcoming Hallowgreen event which will be taking place October 31st in Daytona Beach. There will be a number of kids activities and fun. Be sure to check back later for details.

Fair Share also has a new website. You can check it out at The website is complete with a blog and links to our new Twitter page, Facebook Fan page, and Facebook Cause page. Please feel welcome to join us!

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  1. You are doing some awesome things, Cory, and your little one is watching. That is so powerful!
