
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

18th Annual Seaside Herb Society Fair in Ormond Beach

Holy Basil in bloom

The Seaside Herb Society 18th Annual Herb Faire is scheduled for March 22, 2014 from 9 AM to 2 PM at the Bailey Riverbridge in Ormond Beach.  The address is 1 North Beach Street Ormond Beach, FL 32174.  

We always stock up on herb plants at this event.  Last year the ladies brought in Olive trees for sale at the event.  The herbal breakfast items are always a special treat.  

Aquarian Bath will be vending as usual.  We will be bringing member's favorite products: Carrot top shampoo bar, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Balm, Flaxseed herbal pillows, Patchouli soaps and more.  Please be sure to leave a comment here if you plan to attend and would like me to bring particular items.  We usually just bring a small fraction of our complete inventory for this event.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Organic DIY Chicken Feed Recipe

A couple of months ago we switched from buying chicken crumble feed for our hens to an Organic mix of bulk foods.  Since we made the switch our hens have much darker yolks and they want to start eating this feed mix as soon as we bring it out to them.  They are mostly free range bird and had lost interest in the crumble feed, so it seemed like a waste to keep buying it for them.  This recipe is a modified feed recipe from Farhan Ahsan who is the owner at The Poultry Guide blog.  Farhan's original recipe also calls for corn, but we still put out a little bit of scratch grains for our birds. I am thinking to switch to Organic corn when we run out of scratch grains.  Last year I had some luck growing small grained Cherokee popping corn.

Organic Chicken Feed 

  • 16 cups of Organic Winter Wheat
  • 12 cups of  Organic rolled oats
  • 4 cups of whole Organic green lentils
  • 1 cup Organic Sesame seeds
  • 2 cups Organic brown Flaxseed
  • Quarter cup kelp* granules

*I only use Sargasso sea weed from our Florida beaches.  I am not comfortable using seaweed from the Pacific Ocean due to the ongoing radiation releases from the Fukushima Nuclear Plant.  

The great thing about this recipe, is all these ingredients are whole foods that you can also use for the rest of your family.  We buy most of these ingredients in 25-50 pound bags at our local Organic grocery store.  The wheat can be made into bread, sprouted grain bread, wheat grass, or cat grass.  We use the Oats for either oatmeal or no bake cookies.  The lentils are great for sprouting.  The sesame seeds we buy in a bit smaller quantity from Mountain Rose Herbs.

Our 2 birds take about 1/2 cup of this mixture per day, plus garden scraps, weeds and other foods that they forage in our backyard.